Lajna Ima'illah Australia
Intro - Our Mission
It is our national responsibility to make appropriate arrangements for the religious education of our future generations, as without such arrangements they can neither develop an understanding of religious knowledge nor can the society cultivate a taste and passion for acquiring religious education. In realizing this responsibility, by the Grace of Allah Almighty, Lajna Imaillah Australia has been blessed with the opportunity to establish the online Ayesha Deenyaat Academy.
Lajna Imaillah Australia has planned several projects to be presented in 2022 as a token of gratitude to God Almighty, on the Centenary Celebrations of Lajna Imaillah. The Ayehsa Deenyat Academy was one of the proposed projects. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih (V) (atba) not only accepted this proposal but on my humble request, very graciously sent a very encouraging and faith inspiring message, laden with prayers. May Allah reward our beloved Huzoor abundantly for this.
The purpose of the establishment of the Ayesha Deenyaat Academy is to adorn the Lajna and Nasirat with the teachings of the Holy Quran, Hadith, Fiqh, books of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) and other Islamic studies and to create in them a deeper understanding of religion. The purpose of this education is to help them become true and practical Muslims, revolutionize their personal lives, help them become righteous servants of God and enable them to fulfill the respectable role of teachers for the future generations, such that they may continue to be the beacons of knowledge for generations to come. Ameen
Courses in the academy will be carried out in both English and Urdu as required. Also, both long-term and short-term courses will be taught. The Moallama course ( The Teachers’ Course), which lasts for one year, will include Tajweed-ul-Quran, Tafseer of selected Surahs, Principles of Tafseer, Hifz e Quran, Knowledge of Hadith, Selected chapters of Sahih Bukhari, Fiqh and selected books of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). Those who complete this course will be awarded a Teachers’ Degree.
Short courses are probably the most interesting aspect of the academy's educational activities. Through short courses, students will be able to learn different Islamic studies as per their opportunity, without the need to make long-term commitments. These courses have different levels due to which every student will have the prospect to enhance their knowledge further at any time.
We have made every effort to ensure that the academy staff is highly qualified in their respective disciplines and have the knowledge and experience of the relevant subject. The teachers selected for the courses in Quran, Hadith, Kalam-ul-Imam and Fiqh, etc., are lajna members well versed in the relevant subjects and experienced in teaching. For example, teachers of the short Hifz e Quran courses are hafiza themselves, while the teachers for Tajweed and Tarteel are officially certified. Additionally, in order to further enhance the knowledge and skills of teachers and keep them technically updated, Lajna Imaillah Australia will be committed, through the Executive Body of the Ayesha Deenyat Academy, to provide refresher courses and workshops from time to time, where International Scholars of the Jamaat will deliver lectures as guest speakers, Inshallah.
Another important point that I would like to convey to you is that in view of the interest and need of mothers, I sent a humble request to Huzoor (atba) to allow boys under 12 (atfaal) in the short Hifz e Quran courses. Huzoor (atba) has graciously granted permission to do so temporarily. Therefore, I request all mothers to take advantage of this opportunity and enroll Nasirat as well under 12 boys in these courses so that they can memorize as much of the Holy Quran as possible in small parts.
May God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, accept our humble efforts. May He turn the humble beginnings of the Ayesha Deenyat Academy into a great institution from which emanate the rays of religious knowledge and understanding, that enlighten the world. Ameen
Abida Chaudhry
National President
Lajna Imaillah Australia
7 March 2021